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Reprints collection of about 20.000 special editions, reprints, photocopies, copies, press notes etc. add the information, not represented in journals. This collection can be searched through author cards and partially by keywords, which are used by computer program to find citations.

The collection is subdivided into eight series:
C 1 - 3125 (series F.DANIEL - Lepidoptera)
S 1 - 7300 - x (running series T.WITT - Lepidoptera)
F 1 – 35 – x (running series T.WITT big sizes)
A 1 – 202 (series C.NAUMANN - Sesiidae)
O 1 – 1588 (series C.NAUMANN - Physiology, Morphology)
L 1 – 4000 (series C.NAUMANN - Lepidopterology)
E 1 – 408 (series C.NAUMANN - Entomology without Lepidoptera)
B 1 – 619 (series C.NAUMANN, Biology)

- Series A, L, E, B by NAUMANN are not yet in the author catalogue integrated and can be searched in original catalogue cards. - Series O by NAUMANN is included in keywords Excel database..