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Project "The Papua Insects Foundation"

The objective is to support studies of taxonomy and distribution of entomofauna of the New Guinea in relation to the protection of rainforests

Here a Website of Papua Insects Foundation, brought to life by Gerrit Withaar, Drs. Rob de Vos und Piet Zumkehr , should be mentioned. It gives an actual information on taxonomy and faunistics of the fauna of insects of Papua to organizations, scientists, students, museums and all the interested people. Site contains a checklist, based on the most recent nomenclatural studies, pictures of species, maps of distribution (compiled from literature and collections) and the list of relevant literature. Papua New Guinea should be treated as “Biodiversity hotspot” with its unique rainforest, moths’ fauna of which is at the very beginning of research. Local universities and students in biology are remarkably involved in studying of the fauna and in other research projects.

Die ‚Thomas-Witt-Foundation’ und its ‚corresponding scientists’ set the objective of the project and see here a chance to protect the unique fauna of rainforest by cooperation with initiators and local students and scientists.

more: www.papua-insects.nl