Home :: Wissenschaftler :: Mildred Paola Márquez

Mildred Paola Márquez Godoy

Columbia, 2014

  Surname: Márquez Godoy
First Name: Mildred Paola
Address: Centro de Salud Gustavo Boquin, Bo. Suyapita, Siguatepeque, Comayagua, Honduras CA.
Telephone: (+504) 3333-96-37
E-mail: mildredpmarquez@gmail.com
ID Number: 0318-1988-00780

Date of Birth: May 22 1988
Place of Birth: Honduras
Nationality: Honduran

BS Biology, 2013. National Autonomous University of Honduras, UNAH

Employment history:
• Currently Scientist Field Collector in the Neotropical Area, collecting moths specimens around America, for Zoological State Museum and Witt Museum.
   In process of collecting material in Honduras and Colombia.
   Direct link between National University of Colombia and Honduran National University for future projects.

• Curator in the Entomological Museum of National University (February-September 2013).
   Preparation and organization of specimens.
   Speeches to university and schools students.

• Professional Practice Program, PNUD/Moskitia Project La Moskitia Honduras. (August- December 2012).
   Endangered Species surveys: Jabiru mycteria (stork), Ectophylla alba (Honduran white-bat), Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed deer).
   Tourist guide training: Environmental interpretation lectures, First Aids lessons.
   Environmental educator.

• Laboratory Instructor of Invertebrate Zoology to second year of Biology students, National Autonomous University of Honduras, UNAH. (February-May 2012):
   Management and identification of microscopic invertebrate’s plates.
   Provide labs and student assessment in the related practice in anatomy, physiology and general ecology of Invertebrates.

Volunteering and internships:
• Currently Scientist Field Collector in the Neotropical Area, collecting moths specimens around America, for Zoological State Museum and Witt Museum.
   In process of collecting material in Honduras and Colombia.
   Direct link between National University of Colombia and Honduran National University for future projects.

• 2011: Volunteer as a scientist in the area of entomology, Operation Wallacea Cusuco National Park, Honduras (June-August):
   Management of foreign students.
   Study of dung insect biodiversity.
   Monitoring and identification of dung beetles.
• 2010: Volunteer monitoring mangrove Wildlife Refuge Cuero y Salado, Honduras (January).
   Measurement and identification of plant species in the mangrove forest.

• 2009: Restoration and reforestation of urban forests Internship, EarthCorps Seattle, WA. (June-December):
   Restoration of trails
   Watershed Restoration
   Restoration projects development

• 2008 - Actuality: Volunteer in youth camps, Honduras:
   Training for youth and adults in: Environmental interpretation, self-esteem, teamwork, HIV, leadership, communication techniques.
   Management of extreme sports groups and logistics coordination.

• Management of Microsoft Office programs.
• GPS management.
• English as second language.
• Scuba diving: Open water certified.

• Msc. Karla Cantarero
Professor/ UNAH
(+504) 99701354 / karlacan25@yahoo.com

• Dr. Ronald Brechlin
Saturniidae Descriptor
+49-(0)3973-207311/ r.brechlin@t-online.de



